Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Few Things...

Y'all remember having to have to clean your room. Read my last sentence out loud please. Sound weird to you? When I was typing it, I had the "long division in my head look" going on. A little ADHDNESSNESS, but I digress. What was I talking about before y'all interrupted me about some damn possible grammar issues?? Oh, yea, cleaning your room. Hopefully, no female really had that issue. Messy room young ladies turn into the ones who take nude pics with shit laying all over the floor and bed. You're looking at the pic like, "Damn she's phat!! Man!! She has some big titties, she has a rack of ass, and she's....she's..she's got a got damn maxi pad wrapper, 6 sponge rollers and some candy wrappers on the floor. Is that a chicken box on her bed?! Maaaaan." **Cut to y'all 2 weeks later boning in the car, after you declined her invite to come inside.**  See what I just did there? Hehheheehhe into the HIIIIIIIYYYYOOOOO!!! Oh shit, ok that was A LOT of ADHDNESSNESS, but its not my fault. Anywaaaay, when I had to clean my shit, I was straight until my mother looked under the bed. I did the closet shit at first until she opened it and out came the shit I piled up in there. Thought I was slick with the under the bed move though. Mother's intuition or something caught me up. "This little negro started at 10am. Its 10:36am. There's no way."  Worst part was, she checked the closet and saw nothing. I'm thinking to myself, "Ha!! Fooled her!! I'll be out riding my bike around the neighborhood in no ti---why is she walking to my bed?? I made my bed, b-b-b-b-but why is she lifting up the sheets & blank--DAAAAMMN!!!" She would pull everything out too. Transformers & G.I. Joes all over the floor. Looking back on it, of all the times I made my bed, never did my blankets & shit drape over my bed and touch the floor. Thought I was on to something.

Tis no segue because my ADHDNESSNESS is running on F right now. I went with "F" due to gas prices dropping and me being able to get my tank up to the "F." My car wouldn't start for a second. It thought something was up and shit. "Oh, I know what this is!! You're filling me because you're about to trade me in!! I see how you look at those other cars when I'm taking you to work. I wasn't going to say anything, but I feel like this has gone on too long!!" I'm looking around so I don't look too crazy when I sit there and plead. "Baby!! I'm just able to fill you up because prices dropped. That's all it is!!" I struck the "please start pose" right before I turned the key. You know the one when you put your hand on the steering wheel at 12 o'clock, you lean in to the wheel, close your left eye real tight and tilt your head to the right. Soon as your car starts, you open up that left eye, scan your surroundings, look into & touch your rear view mirror w/o moving it and rooooooll ouuuuut!!!!

***SSENSSENMODNAR***: I was ready to actually segue into some shit, but I decided against it.  Didn't want the shit to have four little topics. Might not like the long ones. Wait, do I have to say "No h-o-m-o" there? I spelled it out because you know who might pick up on it. Don't want him to come for me because I mentioned long ones. Wait, do I need a "no h-o-m-o" agai----**THUNDER ROLL**..€€€¥¥¥££££..**LIGHTNING CRASHES** It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's Wayman Archibald IV!! "Heeeeey there boy!!" AAAAAHHHHH!! HE CAN SPELL!!!!!!