Thursday, October 29, 2009


Before you all gang up on me for not doing one of these in a minute, let me apologize first. Damn. Evil bastards. I just haven't been in the mood, but I'm back. Depending on the response I get from this, there may be more to come....

1) Well I heard that Costco's was the latest bulk food warehouse to accept food stamps. So that's Sams, BJs, and Costco's that are on board now. They did this to compete with other stores since 36 million Americans are on food stamps. What I'm really getting at is, who's taking me shopping?

2) Since we're talking about big numbers. I'm sure everyone knows who Bernie Madoff is and about his Ponzi scheme. If you don't know about it you can either Google it or go play in traffic. I digress, to the fact that the victims of the scheme have been paid out $534 million dollars. If this is a recession and everyone is broke, where's the money coming from? Can a brother just get like $7,500? Bernie Madoff stole my piggy bank when I was 5yrs old. At 6% over 23yrs, someone owes my ass something!!

3) I know everyone is raging about Wal-mart selling coffins now, but just be thankful you can only do it online. I know I'm happy because I'm that guy that gets salty when a motherfucka has 13 items in the 10 items or less line. Couldn't imagine myself behind a nigga with a coffin. With my luck, they would of gotten one with no price, need a price check done on it,and no manager around.

4) Yo, how would you feel if your loved one ordered a coffin? They're an only child, parents died 12yrs ago, and you're in top physical condition. You'd be watching your back like shit probably. Sleeping with one eye open. Not trusting their cooking and shit. Wal-mart done started some shit!

5)Coffins!! Oh shit, in London, that's in England for the slow class. They said they're running out of space in their graveyards, so they're about to get funky. They will be doubling up grave sites. Yes the loved one you buried 6yrs ago will now have a complete stranger buried on top of them. Just curious how the tombstones will be done...hmmm..??

6) Well, Russia is popular for AK-47's and vodka. Apparently, the HIV infections over there have doubled in the last 8yrs. They pretty much said "fuck it!!" To the abstinence program. Hmm, guess Jamie Foxx's "Blame it" doesn't get any love over there...."You didn't wear a rubber? I had too much vodka!!"

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