Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Let's talk about the Discovery channel for a second. Well, I'll talk you read. Say you saw it on there and people will believe you damn near regardless of the subject. Now you can't just jump in there though. You have to dip your toe in that pool. Got to plant that seed that you watch the Discovery channel and channels of that nature, so when you're ready to bullshit you have your shit right. A good resume will usually get you the job. That is unless your name is something Mah'lazhia Alize Smith. Then some issues might come into play. "Oh, dean's list all four years, graduated Magna Cum Laude, very interesting. We'll be in touch. Send in Kathy Jones. 2.3 GPA. HIRED." Shit!! ADHDNESSNESS got me. I'll own up to it. Anywaaaay, you have to be cool with it though. Letting people know your smart is the thing to do, but you need an edge on it. *TIME-OUT* If you didn't see what I did in that last sentence go look now, we'll wait for you. Lah, dah, dee, dah. Ok, if you didn't see it, maybe you need to step up your tv line up. No ADHDNESSNESS since I called for a "timeout," suckers! Ha! *TIME-IN* Its key that you have to drop the, "Yea I saw it on the Discovery Channel or some shit." "Or some shit," is that point at which it makes you seem down to Earth even if you're a jackass. All of those factors add up to give the pure bullshit seem like there's some possible truth to it. Let's recap: Actually watch the Discovery channel or shit like it. Tell people about what you see on those channels. Add in "or some shit" after you state your facts to make you seem down to Earth. Make some shit up and tell 'em you saw it on the Discovery channel, "or some shit." People will be there sitting talking some, "Oh I heard Discovery Channel does talk about some shit like that. 'Bout to have me watching that motherf*cker too."

Speaking of discovery, discoveries, and discoveringness things, let's talk

about deers & squirrels. Yea, there was a little seguenessness, but anywaaaay, everyday I'm on the highway so I see a lot of construction going on. I see that woods are getting destroyed and I think about how habitats for animals are just lost. Yes, fix your face, I have a heart!! Never thought I'd use the words, "destroyed" and "habitat" in a sentence after high school. Interesting, but I digress. You think the deers complain to the squirrels about how their habitats are being destroyed? I know a little something about deers and their habitats from tv. Saw it on the Discovery channel or some shit. But, let's put it out there, deers look like some whores. You see a deer and you're automatically like, "Aww its f*cking Bambi." That shit could be the size of a buffalo and you're like, "Come on son, you still got the Bambi eyelashes!! Look, you're mad and you're crying. Not attacking, but crying! Don't prance off!! Stay!! Baaatch!! Ha!!" The deer probably go cry to the squirrels asking 'em how they're going to deal with the construction since squirrels live in the trees. Squirrels are probably the smart asses of the animal kingdom. Apathetic to others and all about getting their nuts. See what I just did there? Anywaaaay, the squirrels probably tell 'em some, "Well actually we're cool because we'll just climb up in their roof as soon as the houses are finished. Tough break Bambi!!" Herds of deer mysteriously begin eating squirrels. Friday @8pm on the Discovery Channel.

**RAN|MOD|NESS|SSEN**: They don't say, "motherfucker" that much in rap as they say they do. "They" being the mainstream white socialist conservative tea drinking cocaine snorting media!! That was a stretch, but yea, just saying that rappers don't say it thaaaat often. Anywaaaay, I was headed to work the other day and Pandora was rolling out some good diddies. Nas' "If I ruled the world" came on and the light bulb flicked on. When he says, "open every cell in Attica and send 'em to Africa." You knooooow there's some guy in there on some, "Nigga I have 6 months left on a 18 month sentence. I'm in here for some traffic shit. Fuck that!! My grandmother was Dominican!! Dominicaaaaan!!!"

Monday, April 2, 2012


Heeeeeeey, have y'all ever noticed that how you're surprised by shit that's still around but you didn't know it was around, because you haven't seen a commercial for it in years. So, I'm the only one? Guess I should quit this subject huh? Well guess what?? I'm not. Y'all better skip down to the second one if this doesn't apply to you. Actually I'm going to dedicate this shit to one topic. Going to be "A THING" tonight!! That's not ADHDNESSNESS by the way people, so I don't want to hear shit. I digress. I recently was told by a female friend of mine that Cocoa Puffs still exist. If I do stroll down the aisle with cereal in it, it's to get Honey Nut Cheerios or some Frosted Shredded Mini-Wheats. I don't even pay attention to the other shit. I have to keep out of that aisle now because I'd probably geek knooooowing that shit will be there. Walk down there talking about some, "Oh shit son!! Cocoa Puffs!!! Cracked out ass bird!! WHERE YOU BEEN NAAAGGA!?!" Then if you're like me at all you start to think what kind of fucked up bird was that anyway?! We knew what all those other cartoon character cereal pushers were. But, the Cocoa Puffs pusher was wild!! Talking about it's the rare African moojootootoo bird! If a white man on the Discovery Channel told you that shit you'll say to yourself, "Well I'm sure he went to college, so he might be on to something."

I could of went for some segueness here, but I would of had to switch my whole idea up. Premise would of been the same, but y'all would of been reading like, "Why did he start like that? I know he's crazy, but damn." Don't disrespect me. Speaking of that, I don't mean any disrespect to anyone **Timeout: I did that shit Zach Morris style, but I know you already know it's going to be jacked up since I said "I don't mean any disrespect...," but you'll see I how it plays out. Time in** that lives on any south sides of cities, but y'all ever notice they usually get the reputation for being the worst area in that particular city?? Like, we have Cherry Hill/Westport(Sorry Buck) in Baltimore, Southside of Chicago, I heard the South Bronx, I know it's a burrough, but it's in NYC so shut up. If it's not the south side it's the eastside. East LA and East St. Louis. I need some people to look into this shit. Get a white person from the Discovery Channel to tell us that its due to the socioecononomic standards from the late 1800's. Sitting there again talking that, "Well I'm sure he went to college, so he might be on to something." Wait y'all! What do white collar white bread suburban white people say when they think they'll be disrespectful? Ahh yes, I got it. "Well James, if I can be frank, those numbers are way off." Soon as James hears, "if I can be frank," he's thinking to himself like,"Oh here comes the malarkey!!," before the rest of the sentence comes out.

**NESSNESSMODNAR**: I was giving Momma Hunter(The name everyone calls my mother) a phone number today and I realized I did something that I think damn near everyone does. Yes, "damn near everyone does," so that means you. Yes, you right there. Y'all reading like, man he better get to the point!! Wait for it, wait for it, ok I noticed that WEEEEEEE AAAAALLLLL give phone numbers the same way. We slowly give the area code, then the first three digits are all spaced out, then those last four get jammed together. Comes out sounding like this and shit. (FOUR ONE ZERO) FIVE------FIVE--------FIVE - THIRTYSIXNINTEEN. But, why do we always go slow around the first 3. Area codes said normal, then we go at a snail's pace for those next three, aaaaand we say the most important part fast as shit. Having people stressing sitting there like, "WAIT!! THE LAST FOUR DIGITS, FOUR DIGITS!! SLOW DOWN!!! You said (410) 555-3619 right?" What do we do then? " Man I saaaaaaiiidd (FOOOOUUUR OOOONE ZEROOOOO) FIIIIIVE---FIIIIIIVE-----