Good evening, I'm Anthony J. Scoobington, with WSCB TV.
A leaking gasoline pipeline in Kenya's capital exploded on Monday, turning part of a slum into an inferno in which at least 75 people were killed and more than 100 hurt. We here at WSCB would like to apologize due to us believing this story involved talk of sex and AIDS considering Africa's high rate of infections with the deadly disease. The headline came over the wire to us as, "Pipeline blast kills 75 in Nairobi."
In a sharp challenge to the GOP, President Obama proposed paying for his costly new jobs plan Monday with tax hikes that Republicans have already rejected. The president's proposal drew criticism from House Speaker John Boehner, who'd previously responded in cautious but somewhat receptive tones to the $447 billion jobs plan made up of tax cuts and new spending that Obama first proposed last Thursday. The biggest piece of the payment plan would raise about $400 billion by eliminating certain deductions, including on charitable contributions, that can be claimed by wealthy taxpayers. House Speaker John Boehner had this to say on twitter Monday evening, "@HouseSpeezyBoBo: He might be right or wrong but just don't fuck up my money. #thisniggaistripping"
After a study suggested that watching just nine minutes of SpongeBob SquarePants can cause short-term attention and learning problems in 4-year-olds has landed the program in hot water. The study published Monday in the journal, Pediatrics, had children watch "SpongeBob" or the PBS cartoon "Caillou" and draw pictures after. Those who had watched "SpongeBob" did measurably worse. We here at WSCB watched an episode of "SpongeBob" and believe that wi--
From the folks at WSCB have a great evening. Stay hydrated.
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