Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Scoob News

Good evening, I'm Anthony J. Scoobington, with WSCB TV.

An 11th person has died from injuries suffered in a plane crash that marked the nation's deadliest air racing disaster, Reno police said Tuesday. Police spokeswoman Michele Anderson said the victim had not been identified. All races are supposedly going to be banned. All air performances will be done by paper planes. Eye protection is required.

Seven scientists and experts went on trial on manslaughter charges Tuesday for allegedly failing to sufficiently warn residents before a 2009 earthquake that killed more than 300 people in central Italy. The case is being closely watched by seismologists, who insist it's impossible to predict earthquakes. The scientists and experts claim when they left Post It notes on their computer monitors before they and their families fled the area, that it would be sufficient enough notice.

$16, was the cost of each muffin bought by the Justice Department for a 2009 conference, according to an internal audit, which said many purchases showed "wasteful or extravagant spending," including the $4,200 for 250 muffins. WSCB is holding a bake sale outside of Capitol Hill Thursday, September 22nd. Cupcakes & muffins will be $15.95 and supplies are limited.

From the folks at WSCB have a great evening. Stay hydrated.

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