Tuesday, March 3, 2009


1) Ladies, gentlemen, and children of all ages, I welcome you!! Been a minute since I did this so bear with me. It's like sex so I will get on it. Oh yea, "sex"...the guy in Russia who died of a heart attack after taking a whoooooole bottle of Viagra!! Two females bet him $4300 that he couldn't pipe them for 12hrs!! I have some issues with this. Isn't Viagra a prescription drug? Don't they say if you experience an erection longer than 4hrs then seek medical attention? So yo took 40 pills!! Bet you it was an open casket.

2) The Viagra issue about that long ass erection, no pun intended, is weird. Do they have a hotline? Lol. You know a man would NOT go to the ER talking about he popped that blue diamond and can't get rid of his wood. He would try and make up an excuse and shit. "Well my family doctor prescribed it for my hypertension because I don't need that all!!" Lol.

3) Sex. Sex. Sex. It's an attention word. "Free" is also an attention word but, I digress, do you know that one out of four teenage girls in the US has an STD. That is some wild shit considering one out of four people in the US are obese.
Math wasn't my strong suit so I might be wrong but, doesn't that mean one out of four people that is a teenage girl in the US is obese w/ an STD?? If she's eager to go out to eat and give you some ass be very careful, please!!

4) Being careful is always important. Now, with that being said did anyone hear about the guy who pleaded "not guilty" to that murder he committed last summer on a Greyhound bus?? Dude stabbed another man, beheaded him, theeeeen ate yo. There were thirty-six or so other passengers on this bus. I know we are an apathetic ass society but god damn!! How you look over at a human being STABBING then EATING another human being and you just change the song on your iPod. The man said, "God told me to do it." Ummmm I went to Catholic school and granted I'm not the most religious person anymore but if God wanted someone deaded he sent some shit for that person. There wasn't hired hit man. He told people to do some other stuff i.e. Noah, Moses, etc etc. Lol. Schizophrenic they say. Should of got some fig newtons if you were hungry brother.

That is all.

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