Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Scoob News

Good evening, I'm Anthony J. Scoobington, with WSCB TV.

Verizon Wireless on Friday dropped a plan to start charging $2 for every payment subscribers make over the phone or online with their credit or debit cards. In a statement Friday, the company said "customer feedback" prompted the decision to drop the "convenience fee" it wanted to introduce on Jan. 15. It's estimated that 73% of the "customer feedback" comments simply said, "F*ck y'all!! I'll just go suffer with Sprint for all this sh*t!"

The chief Palestinian negotiator said Monday that his first meeting with Israelis in more than a year will be a last ditch effort to salvage the peace process and warned that the Palestinians would explore alternatives if no progress is made. Tuesday's meeting will be the first since September 2010. The aforementioned "alternatives" were rumored to be AK-47 bullets to the ass.

Iran test-fired a surface-to-surface cruise missile Monday in a drill its navy chief said proved Tehran was in complete control of the strategic Strait of Hormuz, the passage-way for one-sixth of the world's oil supply. There also have been conflicting comments from Iranian officials over Tehran's intentions to close the Strait of Hormuz and U.S. warnings against such an ominous move. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the Iranian exercises was a show of strength intended "to deter the world from continuing sanctions against it." Our contact from the CIA who spoke on the condition of anonymity told us here at WSCB that the Iranians only had that one missile they fired due to the others still being on Christmas layaway.

From the folks at WSCB have a great evening. Stay hydrated.

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