Friday, November 21, 2008


1) Sup family? Tomorrow is motherfuckin' FRIDAY!! It's a non-pay week but, I don't care. Lol. Off work and I get to watch/play football. Maybe an install. hehehhe AAAAAAhhhhhh.

2) Yo I saw this goofy looking as kid walking up the street. Like fucked up haircut, his moms was like "Come here Devin, I can cut your hair just like in those video's" Clothes all fucked up. So I was wondering if parents get their kids fucked up clothes and shit to build character. So they can get teased at school and shit. Kids are haaaaarsh!! Lol. I'm not getting a damn thing for my kids name brand. I'm gonna give them the speech I got when I asked for shit like that. "How much are they paying you? What's it going to do for you? Help you pass that math test? What do they do? Make you run faster? Jump higher?" So off to Payless & K-mart we went. Lol. When I started working at 16 I became a "label whore" to make up for lost times. But, I discovered clothes don't make the man, man makes the clothes. Back to K-mart. Lmao. Sike naw but, you understand.

3) I caught the tail end of the news story on MSNBC the other night but, they were talking about these car jackers. Two motherfuckas told dude to get out of the car.
Tell me why neither idiot knew how to drive a stick shift. Lol. See that's people not being serious about their craft. If you are going to aspire to do something give it your all. My brother Marcus Encore went to Subway one day and I told the "sandwich artist" he wasn't serious about his craft. If I had that title....son?! A fucking "sandwich artist" ARTIST!! Lol. I would make each sandwich a masterpiece!! Make you wanna take a picture before you eat it! Lol All I'm saying is..everything you do deserves 110%. Look at wiping your ass.
You don't bullshit on that job do ya? Do ya?!?! Lol

4) Speaking of "asses" and "jobs"...IF a stripper would actually take change from someone. Where would they put that shit? Lol. COME GET THIS MONEY GIRL!! Fuck around and be $3 in quarters. Would she turn those 12 shiny twenty-five cent pieces down? Or would she tuck them in her boot? Lol. If she's serious about her craft she will.

5) Oh shit!! Speaking of strippers. I have friends who shake their asses for cash. I knock no one's hustle, especially if they are serious about their craft. I don't frequent strip clubs too often. I can probably count on one hand. Anyway, last time I went to one we were at The Foxy Lady. (Yea I just saw your faces like Eeeewwww mommy eeeewwww) But, yes the night was winding down and this guy was getting a lap dance. Shit goes all wrong from here. Lights come on, shorty gets up, she was halfway bent over, then it happened............dude lifted his right hand up with his index finger pointed out, he lined it up and shoot his finger straight in her ass!! She stood up straight so fucking fast!! He was drunk as shit too, she was like "Muthafucka you don't do no god damn shit like that...blah blah nigga I will fuck you up..blah blah" Her girl was holding her back...He was ready for whatever..yes he was ready to fight the stripper. Lol. So dude gets escorted out by security. Then it got worse. Well from my P.O.V , the girl who held shorty back must of had an epiphany or some shit because she said exactly this, "Girl don't get so mad. We're strippers and they don't think highly of us.
" Do you know I laughed from The Lady til I got home? That's how you console someone!! Don't get mad!! We ain't shit! Lmao

That is all.

1 comment:

Ziggy Za. said...

LMFAO@ the Foxy Lady story. Disgusting, but friggin funny! The mental picture I've painted of the chick when she gets that "hello!" from the John...classic.

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